We Go There. By Waxon

A Safe Space for You and Your Vagina

TLC Pre/Post-Holiday Rush

December 23, 2021

The holidays are fast approaching, and while the festive season is an exciting time for many, it can also be lonely, stressful, and anxiety-inducing. That’s why it’s more important than ever to practice self-care this season. Take a moment to check in with yourself before, during, and even after the holiday rush. Below, we’ve put together some tips on how to prioritize your mental health and successfully navigate the holiday season.

Tips for Practicing Self-Care this Holiday Season

  • Monitor your stress levels: Keeping track of when the stress or anxiety creeps in is critical to avoid getting overwhelmed. Once you realize when, where, and around whom you start feeling stressed, you can identify your triggers and work to avoid them. Create a note on your phone or jot down your stress levels in a journal throughout the day.
  • Meditate: Even if you’ve never tried meditation before, the holidays are a good time to start. Before you head home for the holidays, download a meditation app on your phone.
  • Practice gratitude: Experts agree that reflecting on what you’re grateful for has the power to change your whole perspective, even during stressful or tough moments. To help you focus on the positive, start your day by thinking of three things you’re grateful for (alternatively, practice gratitude by journaling daily). They can be anything, from something small like being grateful for the delicious cup of coffee you had that morning, to something bigger, such as the good health of you and your loved ones.
  • Find reasons to laugh: Humour is a proven stress-reliever (not to mention a free ab workout). Whether it’s meeting a friend for coffee, dancing your heart out to Justin Bieber, or rewatching Friendsfor the gazillionth time, give yourself an excuse to laugh and find joy this holiday season.
  • Pamper yourself: When all else fails, treat yourself - you deserve it! One of our favourite ways to go all out is by planning an at-home spa night. To us, a spa night means taking a long, luxurious bubble bath, followed by a face mask and mani-pedi. Life becomes just a little bit better with smooth, glowing skin.

In the immortal words of Taylor Swift, the holidays are happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time (okay, we may have paraphrased a bit). All that to say, take care of yourself by taking care of your mental health this holiday season. There’s truly nothing more important.

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